Ecumenical leaders meet together in Krakow, as Lutherans and Catholics present a joint statement looking forward to the 500th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession which sought “to maintain the unity of the church.”
25 SEP 2023 | La Treizième Assemblée de la FLM s’est achevée sur un message affirmant le don de l’unité dans la diversité de la communion et l’appel à servir le prochain.
20 SEP 2023 | Leaders of Christian World Communions and other church organizations shared ecumenical greetings with participants in the LWF Thirteenth LWF Assembly.
En tant que délégués et déléguées à la Treizième Assemblée de la Fédération luthérienne mondiale (FLM), nous nous sommes réuni-e-s à Cracovie en Pologne, du 13 au 19 septembre 2023, pour célébrer, réfléchir, discuter et…
As the Thirteenth Assembly of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) meets in the city of Kraków, Poland, it is keenly aware that there is a war going on in the neighboring country, Ukraine.
The LWF Assembly condemns the brutal attack of the…
In a world that suffers from multiple crises: the climate crisis, a push-back on human rights and gender justice, forced migration and economic inequality, the need for financial resources is crucial. But the current international economic and…
The Lutheran World Federation Assembly expresses its solidarity with LWF member churches and other communities who are living as minorities, especially in the Asia Region.
The LWF Assembly stands in solidarity and expresses its deep concern…
The Thirteenth Assembly of the LWF is deeply concerned by the continuing violence, hatred and loss of lives in the Holy Land. 2023 is already one of the most violent and deadly years in the last two decades on the West Bank, fueled by extremist…
To affirm the solidarity with which the LWF responded to the pandemic, particularly through the Rapid Response Fund, theological reflection, and advocacy.