To call on LWF member churches to prioritize investing in theological education and the sharing of resources to support the sustainability of theological institutions;
To call on the LWF Council to initiate, and the LWF Communion Office to develop and implement, the following study processes, and for these processes to include ecumenical and interreligious…
To call on the LWF Communion Office to prepare a process of evaluating LWF events, such as Assemblies, Council meetings and other similar events with an emphasis on inclusion, full and active…
To call on the LWF Council to initiate a strategic process on the next steps in the concrete implementation and development of the Gender Justice Policy (2013), and also the Emmaus…
To call on the LWF Communion Office to revisit the resolution on Sex Education and Elimination on Sexual and Gender-based Violence from Windhoek 2017 “To encourage LWF member churches to…
To call upon the LWF member churches to implement the youth quota, so that youth are fully engaged through participation and voting in decision-making structures and processes;